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The article is written by Pavel Morozov

14 Apr 2023, 10 min read

FEMA Blue Roof Tarps How to apply for the Operation Blue Roof

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Emergency Roofing Services

Blue roof tarp program

Roof problems are more common than you think. We don’t typically pay attention to the most important part of our residence and that’s a big mistake. A roof protects the integrity of the home we live in, it protects us and our possessions inside our home. Hoping your roof will always be in the perfect condition is normal, but knowing the condition of your roof will save you from stress, worry and will save you money. We at Roof Tarp Now are the experts who will come to your rescue when there is a rain storm, high winds or even a tree branch on your roof. Recently people have discovered a program that’s offered by F’EMA, where you can apply to receive a simple blue tarp that can be placed on your roof. Many are thankful there are government assisted programs when a natural disaster strikes. However, free is not always the best choice. Remember the saying: “You get what you pay for!? If storm, wind, falling debris, or rain activity, cause damage to your roofing, you may find yourself with a leaking roof, perilously exposed home interiors, or structural damage. Quick action in an emergency is always the antidote to further damage, and to mitigating distress to home and occupants alike. While it pays to know that there is governmental disaster recovery assistance in the form of FEMA’s blue tarp roof program, there are further options for those who may be ineligible, or who face long wait times to access the blue tarp program. With just released statistics revealing that of 21,000 recent applications for FEMA’s blue tarp program (nofollow), a mere 60 had so far been installed, awareness of the alternatives is indeed key. Here’s what you need to know about Operation Blue Tarp, and how Roof Tarp Now can help assist you in an emergency.

Table of Contents:

What is Operation Blue Roof?

The blue roof tarp program is a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) initiative, delivered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It provides FEMA blue roof tarps free of charge to eligible home owners within jurisdictions a declared FEMA disaster area.. Once a resident has successfully completed the sign-up process online, a Right of Entry (ROE) form will be generated for them. The ROE gives U.S. Army Corps workers to go ahead to access the property to complete an assessment of the home’s roofing damage. It also allows for FEMA contracted roofing companies to undertake blue tarp roof repair.

Roof Tarp Now's alternative to FEMA's Blue Tarp Program

As the demand for FEMA’s blue tarp program far exceeds its current capacity to deliver, it’s important that residents are aware that privately contracted roofing companies can also install emergency tarps. We as homeowners, renters and Condo owners are responsible for protecting our home but also are legally responsible to stop further damage in compliance with our property insurance policies. We rely on insurance companies to protect us but we also have to protect them as well. Roof Tarp Now is Jacksonville’s premier emergency assistance roofing company. It provides a full service emergency response program that includes having a qualified team at your home within the hour to access the damage and get to work installing a tarp. The company provides free leak inspections, comprehensive roofing reports, and all the expert skills and equipment required to tackle jobs of all size. Roof Tarp Now has commercial trucks, shingle test tools, and drone capabilities. Customized and professional teams provide emergency tarping, as well as roof repairs, shingle match and repair determinability services.

How strong are FEMA blue roof tarps?

Even a temporary solution, such as roof tarping, needs to be secure and long-lasting in order to be effective. FEMA blue roof tarps are made from durable polyethylene, a reinforced fabric that is waterproof, tear resistant, and delivers strong UV protection. Roof Tarp Now’s emergency tarps are of higher quality and will actually last longer than the standard blue tarps. They are also installed without the use of nails in order to preserve the remaining roof structure from further damage. Where home or business owners may be ineligible for FEMA’s blue tarp program, or alternatively where long wait times are predicted, Roof Tarp Now provides a reliable alternative. Guaranteeing quality and safe installation, using superior materials, Roof Tarp Now is the emergency solution designed to last. Company president, Pavel Morozov, has extensive experience in emergency roof tarping and roof repair. He is a licensed Florida Certified Roofing Contractor, a Florida Certified Residential Contractor, and along with other members of his small dedicated team, is also a National Claim Institute Shingle Inspector.

Who is eligible for a FEMA blue roof tarp?

Eligibility for FEMA’s Operation Blue Tarp can be checked via initiating a blue tarp login process at Blueroof.us. In order to quality for the blue tarp program, residents must meet the following criteria:

  • Residents can only apply for FEMA blue roof tarps for primary residences, or for rental properties that are permanently occupied.
  • More than half the roof framing must be undamaged.
  • Vacation rentals are excluded from the blue tarp roof program.
  • FEMA blue roof tarps are only provided for certain roof types.
  • Residents must arrange for clearance of storm debris to qualify.
  • The FEMA blue tarp initiative is only accessible to resident of certain counties, and time period constraints also apply.

Blue tarp program and Roof Tarp Now FAQs

Do we need to pay to access Roof Tarp Now’s emergency tarping service?

Please contact your insurance agent regarding any questions you may have regarding insurance.

FEMA has advise us there may be a delay in having our roof tarped, is this a problem?

Failing to act swiftly in a roofing emergency can have dire consequences, both for the safety of residents, and for insurance coverage and repair costs. Once damage has occurred, it’s the insurance policy holder’s obligation to shield their property from further destruction. Failure to do so can cause you to be out of compliance with insurer policy conditions, as well as exposing home contents, roof and building structures, to additional damage.


As a customer service centered company, Roof Tarp Now aims to ensure all Jacksonville and North East Florida residents have equal access to information about the blue tarp assistance program provided through FEMA, as well as all privately contracted services that are available. As delaying a call for help in an emergency is never advisable, if you find yourself ineligible or unable to access FEMA’s blue tarp program, Roof Tarp Now is here to assist. Call the company for an instant response and reliable emergency roof services to temporarily protect your home and its interiors, including the most valuable of all contents, your family.

Call Us Today, To Provide A Temporary Yet Durable Fix To Your Roof.​​